
Noteworthy Resources

ACP's COVID-19 Resources

ACP continues to monitor the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide resources to help you and your patients get the support you need. Our COVID-19 physician's guide features clinical care guidance, as well as resources devoted to clinician well-being, patient education, and ambulatory care reopening guidance. ACP has also produced practice management resources, including courses devoted to telehealth, guidance on accessing financial assistance, and up-to-date billing and coding information.

View here!

Core IM Podcast COVID Reflections: Disconnections and Connections

In this narrative podcast episode, physicians from around the country honestly discuss their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The episode touches on the changing relationships with patients, care teams, and families. Clinicians share their fear, anxiety, and loneliness while ultimately expressing their hope for posttraumatic growth.

Tait Shanafelt, MD; Jonathan Ripp, MD, MPH; and Mickey Trockel, MD, PhD


The authors conducted eight listening sessions with a total of 69 health care professionals during the first week of the COVID-19 pandemic to gather their concerns, as well as what support they need from their leaders. From these sessions, the authors identified eight primary sources of anxiety that health care leaders can target and address.

Sara Berg and the American Medical Association

Rush University Medical Center created an interdisciplinary Wellness Response Team to enhance well-being for physicians and other health care workers. Read about the resources they created, and think about how you can implement some of these tactics into your own institutions.

Back to the May 29, 2020 issue of ACP IM Thriving