
Screening for Breast and Prostate Cancer

How to use shared decision-making and best evidence to improve patient safety while helping patients make informed decisions.

This ACP Practice Assessment Activity is recommended if you don’t have extensive experience in healthcare quality improvement, especially if you don’t use patient registries, health system or hospital reports, physician pay-for-performance programs, or electronic health records. The activity will help involve your health care team in screening practices that can spare your patients a number of unwanted outcomes, such as needless harm from biopsies or emotional stress from false-positive screening results.

How this Activity Can Help You

Screening for Breast and Prostate Cancer teaches you how to incorporate practice assessment and shared decision making in your practice. The activity uses established performance measures from breast cancer and prostate screening that are evidence-based. You can use the measures to evaluate your own performance, then improve your screening practices by generating a potential action plan that is based on how you have performed with actual patients, compared to established measures. The schematic below outlines the quality improvement process.

Schematic of the Practice Assessment Activity Process

Upon successful completion of the program, the ACP Practice Assessment activity allows for easy online submission for 20 CME credits from ACP and 20 ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points from ABIM. See CME and MOC information.

How to Get Started

To enroll in the activity, contact the ACP Practice Assessment Tool staff at acppatools@acponline.org.

For guided QI projects, see ACP Quality Connect.