
ACP Practice Assessment Tools

The ACP Practice Assessment Tools are a set of novel, web-based practice-assessment products that offer the ability to earn CME credits and ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Practice Assessment points.


Cancer Screening/Shared Decision-making

Who should use them?

ACP Practice Assessment Tools are recommended for physicians that have limited experience in practice assessment or are new to the healthcare quality improvement process and physicians that have limited access to aggregated patient care data such as those associated with patient registries, health system or hospital reports, physician pay-for-performance programs, or electronic health records.

How do they work?

These tools have six distinct elements:

  1. A web-based data collection tool allows the participant to collect patient data retrospectively from a chart audit or prospectively, at the time care is delivered.
  2. A customized baseline performance report shows actual clinical performance as assessed by nationally recognized performance metrics.
  3. An "action plan" tool guides the participants in creating a performance improvement plan by offering a series of structured options and actions including selecting performance improvement goals, selecting a performance improvement team, setting performance goals, identifying reasons for current performance, and offering solutions to improve performance.
  4. A performance re-measurement tool enables participants to easily collect follow-up data after implementing action(s).
  5. A customized performance report shows the results of the re-measurement including a comparison to the original/baseline round of data collection.
  6. The final element consists of links to a collection of educational and related practice resources for physicians and patients.

Upon successful completion of the program, ACP Practice Assessment tools allow for easy online submission for CME credits from ACP and ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points from ABIM.

For guided QI projects, see ACP Quality Connect.