
Should We Prescribe Antibiotics to This Patient with Persistent Upper Respiratory Symptoms? Grand Rounds Discussion From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

summarizes a discussion between two expert clinicians about the benefits and harms of prescribing antibiotics to a patient with recurrent sinusitis presenting with persistent upper respiratory symptoms.

Use this feature to:

  • Watch an interview with the patient, a 62-year-old man with a history of recurrent sinusitis who has previously been prescribed antibiotics for episodes of sinusitis.
  • Ask yourself how you would manage this patient. Would you prescribe antibiotics? What are the potential benefits and harms? What does the ACP and CDC recommend?
  • Watch the discussion by 2 experienced clinicians who differ in whether they would recommend antibiotics. Has the discussion altered your opinions?
  • Log on and answer the multiple-choice questions provided.

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