
Learn More About MOC

Important details to make sure you fulfill ABIM MOC requirements

To keep board-certified internal medicine specialists and subspecialists knowledge up-to-date, the ABIM requires them to earn MOC points through MOC-approved activities and then successfully complete an exam. ACP provides a broad range of activities to help internal medicine physicians earn MOC points, many of which are free to members.

For more detailed information about the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process for board-certified internal medicine specialists and subspecialists visit the .

ACP Advocates to Improve MOC Process

ACP continues to work aggressively to address concerns raised by its members and the internal medicine community about ABIM's MOC program. Based on feedback from its members and the accountability principles, ACP advocacy efforts with ABIM have focused on the need for MOC to be more relevant, more valuable, less burdensome, and less time-consuming.

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