
Governor's Welcome

Hello, colleagues! I am excited for the opportunity to serve as the Governor for the U.S. Army Chapter of the ACP. I look forward to representing all of you, and using our collective ideas and enthusiasm to improve the quality of Internal Medicine care in the Army and throughout the country for both physicians and patients.

The ACP was founded in 1915 and is the largest medical specialty society with over 160,000 members. The College's mission is to enhance the quality and effectiveness of health care by fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine. Its primary goals include:

  • To establish and promote the highest clinical standards and ethical ideals;
  • To promote and respect diversity, inclusion, and equity in all aspects of the profession;
  • To welcome, consider and respect the many diverse voices of internal medicine and its subspecialties and work together for the benefit of the public, patients, our members, and our profession;
  • To serve the professional needs of the membership, support healthy lives for physicians, enhance career satisfaction and advance internal medicine as a career;
  • To advocate responsible positions on individual health and on public policy related to health care for the benefit of the public, patients, the medical profession, and our members;
  • To be the foremost comprehensive education and information resource for all internists;
  • To recognize excellence and distinguished contributions across internal medicine; and
  • To promote and conduct research to enhance the quality of practice, the education and continuing education of internists, and the significance of internal medicine to physicians and the public.

The ACP’s core values mirror many of the Army’s core values. They are excellence, professionalism, leadership, compassion, inclusion, equity and justice, and well-being.

The College includes the Board of Governors, which serves to advise the Board of Regents, the policy-making body. I represent our Chapter with several specific goals and tasks: providing meaningful opportunities for members of our Chapter to gather together (either virtually or face-to-face) and to learn from each other throughout the year, encouraging medical student interest in our specialty as well as the College, encouraging input for resolutions on local and national issues, encouraging member participation and advancement to Fellowship, and hosting our Chapter's annual scientific meeting each year. Additionally, I hope to continue our efforts to work together with the Navy and Air Force Chapters on programs for our members.

Congratulations to all the Chapter members who were selected to Fellowship in the College during the past year. I would be happy to answer any questions related to advancement to Fellowship, and I would urge all of you to visit acponline.org to learn about advancement to Fellowship as well as other ACP programs. There are many opportunities for Chapter members to get more involved—please let me know if you are interested in a leadership opportunity with the Chapter! And please contact me with questions, comments, and suggestions at joshua.s.hawley-molloy.mil@mail.mil. Hooah!