
Meet the New Governor-elect - Illinois Southern

Congratulations to the Illinois Southern Region Governor-elect (GE), Manajyoti Yadav, MD, FACP. Our new GE will complete a year of training as a Governor-elect and then will start their four-year term as Governor in the Spring of 2025. As Governor, Dr. Yadav will serve as the official representative of the College for our Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. In the meantime, Dr. Yadav will be working closely with Dr. Sundareshan (the current governor) and College staff to learn about the College and their duties as Governor. To learn more about the new GE, read their bio below.

Manajyoti Yadav, MD, FACP

Medical School Education: Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College, India

Post-Doctoral Training: RWJ Barnabas Health; Chief Resident, University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria (UICOMP)

Board Certifications: Internal Medicine; Hypertension Specialist

Present Employment Position: Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Clerkship and Sub-Internship Co-Director, UICOMP

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Elected Member, Governor’s Advisory Council since 2017; Chair, IMG Committee since 2022; Chair, Early Career Physicians Committee 2019-2020; Member, Early Career Physicians Committee 2018-2019; Recipient, Laureate Award 2021; Invited Speaker, MKSAP Study Hall Webinars 2021; Poster Judge, Resident and Student Poster Competition 2019-2021; Abstract Judge, Resident and Student Poster Competition 2018

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2015; ACP National Interview, Get to Know Your Peers, Early Career Physicians 2023; Capstone Review Board Member, ACP Leadership Academy since 2022; Faculty Mentor, Medical Student Mentoring Breakfast, Internal Medicine Meeting 2022; Reviewer, Abstract Review Board, Abstract Competition 2021 & 2022; Peer Reviewer, Annals of Internal Medicine since 2019 (Outstanding reviewer recognition by Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Lane); Poster Judge, Abstract and Poster Competition 2018; Illinois Southern Delegate, Leadership Day 2018

Other Appointments/Activities: Associate Editor, Wiley Clinical Case Reports Journal 2023; Associate Editor, Aquifer Clinical Excellence 2023; Co-Chair, Clinical Skill Assessment Taskforce, UICOM since 2022; Member, Council on Education and Health Workforce, Illinois State Medical Society since 2022; Member, Item Writing Task Force, American Board of Internal Medicine since 2022; Recipient, Medical Education Research Grant Funding ($97,000 and $73,000), UICOMP 2022 & 2021; Clerkship and Sub-Internship Co-Director, UICOMP since 2018

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Medical Education; Clinical Excellence; Hospital Medicine