
Meet the new Governor-elect Designee - Florida Chapter

Congratulations to the Florida Chapter Governor-elect Designee (GED), Mario J. Madruga, MD, MACP. Our new GED will complete a year of training as a Governor-elect and start their four-year term as Governor in the Spring of 2026. As Governor, Dr. Madruga will serve as the official representative of the College for our Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. In the meantime, Dr. Madruga will be working closely with Dr. Bansal (the current governor) and College staff to learn about the College and their duties as Governor. To learn more about the new GED, read their bio below.

Mario J. Madruga, MD, MACP

Medical School Education: Combined BA & MD, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Post-Doctoral Training: Orlando Health Internal Medicine Residency

Board Certifications: ABIM

Present Employment Position: Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program and Designated Institutional Official, Orlando Health

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Education Committee since 2016; Member, Governor’s Advisory Council 1997-2003 and since 2014; Awards Committee since 2023; Scientific Program Chair, Annual Scientific Meeting 2021; FL Chapter ACP Delegate, FMA House of Delegates Annual Meeting 2018-2023

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2020

Other Appointments/Activities: Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, FSU COM since 2021; Academic Assistant Dean, UCF COM 2015-2019; Antimicrobial Utilization Subcommittee, ORMC since 2023; Blood Borne Pathogen Prevention Taskforce, ORMC since 2021; Medicine Collaborative Committee, ORMC since 2021; Community Board Member, FSU COM 2016-2022; GME Committee, ORMC since 2012; Resident Liaison Committee, ORMC since 2012; Director, Medical Teaching, ORMC since 2006; Director, Medical Consultation, ORMC IM Residency 2012-2021

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Graduate Medical Education; Consultative Medicine; Medical Complications of Pregnancy