
Chapter Governor, Selvam J. Mascarenhas, MD, FACP

As Governor, Dr. Mascarenhas serves as the official representative of the College for the Delaware Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about the new Governor, read his bio below.

Selvam J. Mascarenhas, MD, FACP

Medical School Education: Saint George's University School of Medicine

Post-Doctoral Training: Norwalk Hospital, Yale University School of Medicine

Certification: Internal Medicine

Present Position: Physician Advisor; Medical Director, CareVio

ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Young Physician’s 2014-2018; Health Care Policy Committee since 2019; Governor's Executive Council since 2018; Program Planning Committee, Annual Chapter Meeting since 2019

ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2014; Participant, Leadership Day 2017-2019; Co-Chair, DE Delegation, Leadership Day 2021

Other Appointments/Activities: Government Affairs Committee, Medical Society of Delaware (MSD) since 2017; Executive Board, MSD 2017-2020; Treasurer, Society of Hospital Medicine 2018-2020; Chair, Post-Acute Care Readmission Committee, ChristianaCare since 2020; Program Group Leader, Team Health Hospitalist Group 2016; Assistant Medical Director, ChristianaCare Hospitalist Partners 2017; Associate Medical Director, Pulmonary Stepdown Floor 2013-2017; Health Fair with Christina Cultural Arts Center, Boys and Girls and BAPS Temple 2014-2019

Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Utilization Management (Payer and provider relationship, denial management, appeal processes, clinical effectiveness); Population Health and Transitions of Care between Acute care, Post-acute care and community; Healthcare Policy