
ACP Welcomes New International Governors and Recognizes ACP International Chapters with 2024 John Tooker Evergreen Award

ACP recognizes our new international governors, who will lead their chapters and be part of the Board of Governors for the next four years. ACP Governors serve as official representatives of the College, providing a link between members at the chapter level and leadership at the national level. The Governor has a variety of responsibilities at both levels, and these can be broken into three major areas: Governance, Chapter Management, and Expertise in Internal Medicine. Meet the new governors by clicking on each name.

John Tooker Evergreen Award Winners

The Chapters Subcommittee awarded the following global chapter programs the John Tooker Evergreen Award during the Board of Governors Awards Luncheon on April 17, 2024, in Boston, MA.

The John Tooker Evergreen Awards Program provides an opportunity to recognize the valuable contributions of individual chapters as they strive to enrich, educate, and engage the membership. The goals of this program are to:

  • Recognize chapter achievements;
  • Clarify and incentivize desired activities at the chapter level;
  • Enhance inclusion and engagement of members from diverse backgrounds in chapter programming;
  • Improve sharing of best practices between chapters; and
  • Encourage innovation, effort, and/or sustainability at the local level.

Each year all chapters are invited to nominate their own programs and to provide details of why the program was initiated, how it was implemented, and what the results were. Over the last thirty years, the John Tooker Evergreen Awards Program has received almost 800 nominations.

Learn more about ACP's chapters and regions.

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