
October 2015

Feature: Society of General Internal Medicine Launches "ProudtobeGIM" Program to Encourage Medical Students to Pursue General Internal Medicine

ProudtobeGIM is a new campaign from the Society of General Internal Medicine aimed at encouraging medical students and residents to pursue GIM. We invite medical students to learn more about the field of general internal medicine and we give general internists a framework to explain why their field is special.



Medical Student Perspective: 10 Tips for Making the Most of Medical School

I've thought a lot throughout the past 10 months about how much I have changed as a person, for better and for worse. I believe many of these tips will sustain me throughout the rest of medical school. My hope is that they may do the same for you.



My Kind of Medicine: Kayur V. Patel, MD, MRO, FACP, FACPE, FACHE, FACEP

Dr. Patel describes the style of medicine that he practices as reverting back to how medicine was practiced 50 years ago.



Analyzing Annals: On Being a Doctor: On Losing Your Humanity

In a recent On Being a Doctor, Dr. Stepanyan discusses the need to preserve humanism in the practice of medicine, but explores the idea that humanism manifests itself in many different ways.



Advocacy Update: 2016 ACP Health Policy Internship Application

This internship presents a unique opportunity for one Resident/Fellow Member and one Medical Student Member to attend ACP's annual Leadership Day.



Winning Abstracts from the 2015 Medical Student Abstract Competition: Fever of Unknown Origin: Sometimes a Zebra is a Zebra

A 69-year-old South Sudanese woman presented to outside hospital with fever and productive cough.



Subspecialty Careers: Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism

From the Greek endon, "in, inner, or within" and krinein, "to separate or put apart." A term contrived to describe those glands that "put apart" and secrete substances that are used within the body.



In the Clinic

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition that develops when reflux of gastric contents causes troublesome symptoms or complications (1).


IM Essentials logo

Determine the most appropriate diagnostic study:



Reader Submissions

IMpact welcomes submissions from its readers. If you are an ACP Medical Student Member and have comments about IMpact, would like to submit an article for the newsletter, or if you have questions about joining ACP, send them via e-mail to impact@acponline.org.

Looking to submit an article? Check out: