
Advocacy Update: The ABC's of Health Policy

Advocacy Update: The ABC's of Health Policy

If you are like us, your fellow medical students, family members, and non-medical friends have turned to you at some point in the last few months and said, "Hey, what do you think about the public option?" While you may be a policy whiz, I think we all know many medical students who are completely befuddled by the discussion currently underway nationally, as well as by the day-to-day issues involved in health insurance and billing.

With those concepts in mind, and the fact that in a few short months or years we too will be professionals and be expected to have considered opinions on these issues, we have put together a primer of the vocabulary and buzzwords of the discussion surrounding health care in the U.S. We hope you find it useful and that you can start to think about how you will answer your uncle who asks you about the public option at grandma's birthday party. Find out more...

Back to October 2010 Issue of IMpact

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