
2014 Archives

ACP Advocate Newsletter


2014 Archives


December 19, 2014

ACP Members in Congress and Medicare Payment Cuts on the Horizon

In this issue: A look at hard-fought victories that put ACP members in both the Senate and House of Representatives, the first time internist-members have served in both chambers of Congress at once; Physicians will face a new series of financial challenges starting next year due to possible penalties from a number of programs.

November 21, 2014

The New Medicare Fee Schedule and the Effect of Mid-Term Elections on Health Care Issues

In this issue: A look at the new Medicare fee schedule, which once again calls for a big cut in reimbursement rates unless Congress Acts; The impact of a Republican-controlled Congress and some of the changes that it may bring to the ACA and other health care policies; The ballot measures from across the country that addressed a variety of health care concerns.

November 7, 2014

Open Enrollment Information Gap, How Navigators Help, and the Effect of Price on Health Decisions

In this issue: An information gap still exists for current and potential customers of the health insurance marketplaces as open enrollment is set to start on Nov. 15; Navigators are proving to be the key to getting people enrolled, as they are able to decipher the mysteries of the Healthcare.gov website and help find clients the coverage they need; A new JAMA study shows that patients who can compare prices of medical services tend to opt for those that will save them some money.

October 24, 2014

Guidelines on Ebola, Open Enrollment Approaches, and the Role of Telemedicine

In this issue: ACP has recently released Ebola Resources: A Guide for Physicians to ensure that physicians are trained and knowledgeable on the Ebola outbreak; As the open enrollment period approaches, Americans prepare to gain or renew health insurance on the marketplace; The growth of telemedicine has brought many positive developments in terms of access and costs, but concerns remain about reimbursement and continuity of care.

October 10, 2014

Changes from the Veterans Health Administration and ACP Considers the ACA's Performance

In this issue: ACP looks at how the Department of Veterans Affairs is preparing new regulations that will allow U.S. military veterans to turn to private doctors if they cannot receive timely care from VA hospitals; Several successes from the ACA are evident in the numbers, but as exchanges open next month, it is time to take stock of coming challenges and issues.

September 26, 2014

Seeking Action on the SGR and Pay Parity, A New EHR Rule Examined, and Preparing for ICD-10

In this issue: How ACP is urging the U.S. Congress to act on two issues with impending deadlines: repeal of the Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR) and extension of the Medicaid Pay Parity Program; How a flexible new Medicare rule on electronic health records may help in 2014 but hurt in 2015; and the codes are finally on their way as the shift to ICD-10 is on the schedule for 2015.

September 12, 2014

Medicaid Pay Parity, Implementation of the Sunshine Act, and a Medical Student's Summer in DC

In this issue: ACP's support of federal legislation that would extend pay parity through 2016; Federal officials are continuing to fine-tune just how they will implement the Physician Payment Sunshine Act; How ACP is suggesting Medicare can simplify its process regarding prior authorization for certain medical equipment and supplies; A medical student shares her perspective on a summer in DC.

August 15, 2014

2015 Physician Fee Schedule Proposal, ACP's Reaction to IOM's Report on GME Funding

In this issue: ACP's plans to seek changes to CMS proposal to begin Medicare payment for chronic management codes starting in 2015; ACP reactions to proposed changes to the Sunshine Act, the Medicare Shared Savings Program, and the Medicare Value-Based Payment program; Insight into IOM's recent report recommending reforms in GME funding

July 18, 2014

Concerns over SCOTUS "Hobby Lobby" Ruling, New Tobacco Regulations, Spiraling Drug Costs

In this issue: Concerns regarding patient access to care and more stemming from the "Hobby Lobby" ruling; The FDA proposes to include e-cigarettes, cigars and more within its jurisdiction; A new, pricey hepatitis C medication sparked controversy over the unsustainable price of drugs in the United States

June 27, 2014

Advocating for Medicaid Pay Parity, Primary Care Medicare Bonus, and Addressing the VA Scandal

In this issue: ACP increses efforts to keep parity between Medicare and Medicaid payments for Internists; A look into a new Medicare bonus payment for primary care services; National Journal's insight into Congressional efforts taken to address the recent scandal within the Veteran's Affairs Department

June 13, 2014

Scrutinizing Health Plan Adequacy Standards, Data on Gifts and Grants to Physicians, ACP Honors...

In this issue: ACP advocates for tighter scrutiny of the adequacy of provider networks in health plans sold through insurance marketplaces; News on the soon to be released data on gifts and grants awarded to physicians and hospitals from drug and device manufacturers; Mary Wakefield, administrator of the HRSA, receives ACP's annual distinguished service award

May 30, 2014

Highlights from this Year's Annual Leadership Day, and a First Quarter Rise in Health Care Spending

In this issue: ACP holds its annual Leadership Day in Washington, DC on Capitol Hill, President David Fleming, MD welcomes attendees with the opening address, and William Fox, is honored as the recipient of the Richard Neubauer Advocate for Internal Medicine Award; Reactions from this year's first quarter rise in health care spending

May 9, 2014

New data showing fewer uninsured, HVCC Toolkit released, and ACP Leadership's plan for the College

In this issue: The true impact of health care reform is slowly being revealed through number crunching that shows fewer uninsured; New ACP High Value Care Coordination initiative offers aids for doctor-to-doctor communication; The newest College President and Board of Regents Chair talk about plans and priorities for their tenure

April 18, 2014

Two newly released ACP Policy Papers and CMS releases Medicare Physician Payment Data

In this issue: The College releases two new official policy papers, one on reducing firearm related injuries and deaths, and the other on medical liability reform; CMS "data dump" on April 9, 2014 has given the public access to more than 880,000 health care professionals payment data from 2012

April 4, 2014

Another SGR Patch, an Update on Medicaid Expansion, and ACP's Federal Funding Priorities

In this issue: Congress opts for another short-term SGR patch in place of permanent repeal and reform; ACP continues its efforts to urge state's to accept federal dollars and expand Medicaid for the well-being of their residents; The College lays out its top five federal funding priorities in the next fiscal year

March 21, 2014

The President's Proposal for Primary Care Funding

In this issue: Highlights in the President's recently release budget proposal in regards to ACP's top priorities; ACP President Dr. Molly Cooke sent out a communication to the entire ACP membership on the status of the Medicare payment fix legislation on Capitol Hill; A new CMS policy change went into affect this past Tuesday, allowing the government to release data on Medicare payments to individual physicians.

March 7, 2014

The Latest on SGR reform and ACA enrollment

In this issue: An update on the SGR repeal legislation and what ACP leadership has been doing to advocate; Physicians share experiences with patients newly enrolled in health insurance through the exchanges; An update on the most recently reported enrollment numbers and what it tells us about ACA implementation.

February 21, 2014

The State of the Nation's Health Care; Plus, Progress on the SGR

In this issue: A recap of ACP's annual State of the Nation's Health Care briefing, entitled, "Progress, Challenges and Opportunities" still facing us in our movement toward health care reform; An update on the joint, bipartisan legislation that was agreed to by congressional committees with jurisdiction over Medicare; A new report from the Congressional Budget Office comments on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the nation's workforce

February 7, 2014

Health Care and the State of the Union

In this issue: The President uses the State of the Union address to remind the public of some of the benefits that we've already seen and some that are coming into play now as a result of the Affordable Care Act; An update on the spending bill that Congress passed and how it is being distributed; A new study shows that increased Medicaid eligibility can cause increased ER visits.

January 24, 2014

What did ACP Advocacy achieve for you in 2013?

In this Issue: A detailed accounting at some of the ways ACP advocacy has improved things for practicing internists in 2013 and a look ahead to 2014; report finds medical homes are able to improve care and save money; CMS report indicates health care spending for 2012 grew at the slowest rate since 1960

January 10, 2014

Are you seeing concerns about Affordable Care Act plans in your practice?

In this Issue: The roll out of ACA health insurance marketplace plans and patient concerns that you may be seeing in your practices; States benefit from participating in the expansion of Medicaid