
Nomination Process

Nomination Requirements: MACP nominations require 1 letter of nomination and 3 letters of support in addition to a CV and brief biographical sketch. Award nominations require 1 letter of nomination and 2 letters of support in addition to a CV and brief biographical sketch.

To receive an award or MACP, one must be nominated by a peer or colleague and supported by two-three others. Candidates may not self-nominate. Self-solicitation/self-promotion/self-nomination could result in disqualification. Only FACPs may be nominated for MACP. Mastership is an award, not a progression. Because of the significance of this recognition, candidates may not self-nominate. It is best practice not to inform the nominee about the nomination, as this process is meant to be kept confidential from those considered for Mastership or national awards.

The nominator will need the following information available when submitting a nomination:

  • Nominator’s full name
  • Full name of nominee
  • Nominee’s current curriculum vitae
  • Letter of nomination
  • MACP: three supporting letters (.doc, .docx, or .pdf format only)
  • National Awards: two supporting letters (.doc, docx, or .pdf format only)

250-word biographical sketch of the nominee

Nominations will be considered for one year. If a candidate is not successful, they may be nominated again the following year. There is no limit on the number of times a nomination can be submitted in successive years.

The Awards Committee and Mastership Committees emphasize that all letters on behalf of nominations for ACP MACPs and awards are extremely important. Letters may come from all classes of College membership or from any individual (physician or not) familiar with the nominee. Letters signed by more than one sponsor count as one letter.

The Awards Committee and Mastership Committee welcome and encourage letters to be submitted in the primary language of the letter writer. ACP will engage translation services as necessary. Curriculum vitae must be submitted in English.